English language arts

Teacher interview plan
Plan for a teacher interview
Suitable for EYFS/KS1/SEND - Interview theme was about using a book as a stimulus to develop speech, language and communication.
Detailed, easy to use lesson plan for an interview.

Report templates EYFS
EYFS Development Matters - Report Templates with statements with an exceeding (more able), expected (core) including an upper core and an emerging (less able) statements. These are generic for a typical child so they would need to be adapted where neccesary to be an accurate description of the child you’re writing a report on. There are statements for the core areas; Literacy - writing and reading and Maths - number and space, shape and measure. These have been written and used by me on two years worth of reports.

Phonics busy bee display pack
This pack includes resources I have made to help you put up a phonics display in your classroom. There is a guidance page included and all resources required to make this phonics display. All resources are downloadable. Included in this pack:
-Bee trigraphs
-Beehive for tricky words
-Digraph hive
-HFW hexagons
-Flower sounds phase 2
-Phonics title black lettering
-Instructions guide